Healthy Information

Maximum movement painless life.

School bags cause spine curvature

Schools opened . The students started to carry the kilos in their backpacks. School bags are caused by curves on the back when they are loaded on one shoulder or when they are carried on the same shoulder. This is also called scoliosis in the medical language.


Scoliosis; When the spine is viewed from the back, it is C or S shape. It causes shortness of the body, aesthetic appearance, narrowing of lung capacity, psychological disorders of heart compression, waist and back pain. It is not right to think that the reason for scoliosis is only to carry the school bags on the side. Living habits, the height of the tables and chairs at home and at the school where most of us study, are important elements in terms of spine health.


The school bag should not have any pain on the back and shoulders, and if the bag needs to be carried on the side, it should not exceed 4 kg up to 12 years of age and 5 kg up to 15 years of age. The most accurate transport is carried on the back with equal load on both shoulders. Even if the bag is carried on the back, it should not be too heavy. When the weight is more, children tend to have a hunchback because of their leaning forward. In this respect, school services play a protective role.

Disorders of sitting and hospitalization also cause spinal curvature.

The way children live usually undergoes a change in the period of rapid growth.13 Changes after the age of 14 are not very serious if there is no organic spinal disorder on the floor. However, younger children should be treated with this condition. Especially low tables, high chairs against the normal height table, back pain in children causes the child to be close to the screen while using the computer. The height of the chairs and chairs is determined by age and nowadays most attention is paid to this school. However, the main danger is in the houses. mostly from the age of 6 to 12, the same table, sometimes the same chair, but in the meantime they continue to take a small portion of the time spent at home and at the table, the computer screen is focused on the game, considering that the problem should be started where the problem begins.


In general, it is customary for the students to listen to lectures based on the table. However, at least the children should sit back and sit upright while listening to the lectures. In the students, instead of continuing to sit in the queue, students should be able to get up and walk. The simple back exercise will help the hands to be clamped together, the elbows are lifted to the height of the shoulders and left to the right and left to the left. This may be enough to repeat 3-4 times.


There are a number of diseases that cause pain in children. The most common of these is the eğitim Osgood schlatter .B, known as flatfoot and physical education course disease.

School children complain not only of back pain but also of foot pain. When the time between school, home and study time and courses are also attended, children spend a great time with shoes. When they start school as a cause of foot pain in school age children, it is not correct to poop on newly bought shoes. a simple x-ray result of a painful outpatient will be taken by the diagnosis and the treatment to be directed accordingly will increase the school performance of the children. The success of the child in the physical education, other lessons. will also positively affect.

Flatfoot quite often

There are a number of diseases that cause pain in the feet in childhood. The most common known among these diseases is flat foot except for sprains and traumas. It is the situation where the foot of the foot is lost and the inner edge of the foot touches the ground. The most common flexible flat foot is seen. So the structural looseness of the bonds between a team bone forming the foot curve. A very large part of these flexible flat bases, although developed in a different way from the feet considered normal, does not cause any functional defects in the future. In children, the use of hard shoes will reduce the flexibility of the foot, unnecessarily gait disturbance in the child, due to problems caused by force in the foot skin and early fatigue problems arise.


The contribution of lightweight and flexible shoes made of soft material on foot health cannot be denied. The treatment options in flexible flat bases that require treatment vary from the use of insoles to surgical intervention. For this reason, children should be shown to a physical therapist or a child orthopedist before they start school. In addition, some abnormalities of the foot bones will also occur in the flat insoles.Most often cause pain and require a serious treatment.


Osgood-schlatter disease is the leading cause of innocent diseases in physical education classes. It is characterized by a swelling and pain that occurs just below the knee with a strong bond that connects the kneecap to the growth plate in the shin bone.

It is more common in boys at the end of elementary school. It lasts for several years and usually goes by itself. However, most of the patients with Osgood-Schlatter do not benefit from this measure, but they have a negative psychological pressure on the child. Most of these patients, by orthopedists and physiotherapists In addition, children with ogood-schlatter disease should sit on the edge of the knee and sit on their knees without sitting, bending their knees. The two rows of knees should not be too narrow to force them to bend.